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Center of Orlando for Women abortion facilityYouTube/Screenshot

ORLANDO, Florida (LifeSiteNews) — A Florida abortion facility could go bankrupt after being caught breaking the state’s 24-hour-waiting period law 193 times.

The August 14 order gave the facility 30 days to pay up an amount that may bankrupt them or force their closure.

The Center of Orlando for Women’s attorney has previously filed a document with the state health agency, which administers the final penalty, and stated the $193,000 fine “would likely force the clinic into bankruptcy or closure,” according to CBS News.

The state’s Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) has moved quickly to enforce the law, which requires women to wait 24 hours after meeting with an abortionist to have an abortion. The law passed in 2015 but was stuck in the court system until 2022.

An administrative law judge initially asked for a fine of $67,550.

“In the Orlando clinic’s case, the agency alleged that 193 abortions were performed at the facility from April 26, 2022, to May 7, 2022, without 24-hour waiting periods,” CBS News reported. “State law allows the agency to collect a maximum of $1,000 for each violation of the law.”

The facility argued that it tried to comply with the law by asking for guidance, but the state contends that the manager of the location knew the legal requirements.

The health administration agency has enforced the state’s laws against abortion vigorously, which has naturally harmed abortion facility scofflaws.

As a result of state enforcement of abortion law, the American Family Planning facility, affiliated with disgraced abortionist Steven Chase Brigham, remains closed.

The use of waiting periods has proven to reduce abortions.

Data has shown that waiting periods reduce abortion rates and increase birthrates in states where they are implemented.

The first state to create a mandatory waiting period, Mississippi, saw a 10%-19% reduction in overall abortions in the state.

The state has passed other restrictions on abortions under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis, a 2024 Republican presidential candidate. He has opposed the funding of abortions with tax dollars and also signed legislation to prohibit abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detected, usually at six weeks.

“We are proud to support life and family in the state of Florida,” Gov. DeSantis stated in April after he signed the bill.

