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Cardinal Reinhard Marx warmly greets Pope Francis during the German bishops' November 2022 ad limina visitVatican News/screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — With his recent response to the five cardinals’ dubia questions, which essentially allows clergy to decide for themselves whether to “bless” homosexual unions, Pope Francis has shown that the German Synodal Way is what he wants for the entire Church. 

While this may seem obvious to some, many still defend Francis because he has provided some pushback against the heretical German Synodal Way, like forbidding the establishment of a permanent “Synodal Council” or saying, “There is one very good Protestant church in Germany. We don’t need two.” 

However, looking at the Pope’s actions, we can observe that he is, in fact, walking on the same trajectory as the German bishops, only a little slower.  

READ: Archbishop of Berlin allows ‘blessings’ of same-sex unions, citing Pope Francis and Abp. Fernandez  

The position that Francis has taken on same-sex “blessings” is the exact same that the Archbishop of Berlin, Heiner Koch, has expressed recently. Koch left it to any individual priest to decide whether they want to “bless” homosexual couples, citing statements by Francis and his new doctrine chief, Cardinal Victor Fernandez, as justification. 

Granted, some German bishops, like Bishop Georg Bätzing, are clearly more open about their modernist, pro-LGBT agenda than Francis. But both Francis’ Synodal Way and the German Synodal Way lead to the same results: toleration, and sometimes promotion, of sinful practices that endanger the souls of many.

Francis surely knows that he cannot change immutable Church doctrine and still be recognized as a legitimate Catholic pope. Instead, with his toleration (and promotion) of sinful acts, like the reception of Communion for unrepentant adulterers (“divorced and civilly remarried”) and same-sex “blessings,” he is changing the practice, preventing many who live in a state of objective mortal sin to see their errors and repent. 

READ: Pope Francis signs text affirming Amoris Laetitia allows Communion for divorced and ‘remarried’  

The German modernists, due to their directness and lack of restraint (as an Austrian with German heritage, I’m allowed to say this), are usually more open about their intentions to undermine the Catholic faith. Pope Francis, on the other hand, by virtue of being a South American Jesuit, is more patient, scheming, and ambiguous. However, the path they are on is the same, and I’m afraid it is not the “narrow path.” 

Let us love our shepherds, pray for the conversion of Pope Francis and the German bishops, and resist the temptation to hate them for their errors, so that we may one day, by God’s grace, all worship our Lord together in the beatific vision. 

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Andreas Wailzer is an Austrian journalist based in Vienna writing for LifeSiteNews. He studied business and economics in Vienna and Vancouver, Canada. In 2022, he left his job in the corporate world to work full-time in the field of Catholic journalism and advocacy, first at the St. Boniface Institute in Vienna and now at LifeSiteNews.

Andreas loves to write about politics, economics, and everything related to the Catholic faith. His work has been published in English and German in multiple media outlets, including Die Tagespost, Wochenblick, Corrigenda, and LifeSiteNews.

You can follow Andreas on Twitter.

