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4 key signs before God’s warning comes

Ted Flynn reveals four key signs and wonders — including a great chastisement — that will take place before God issues a great warning to the world. The warning is prophesied in the little-known visions of Garabandal, but many people are skeptical about Garabandal. See the truth for yourself, and watch the full interview with Ted Flynn’s in-depth analysis on the LSNTV app. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of […]
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Pope’s World Day for Children features drag dancer and Candace Owens’ firing over ‘Christ is King’

The scandal of Pope Francis’ latest slur against homosexuals is rivaled by Pope Francis’ World Youth Day for Children featuring a male dancer in drag. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that political analyst Candace Owens was sacked for her witness to Christ the King. For analysis on all this and more, tune into this latest episode of Faith and Reason. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social […]
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WATCH: Russell Brand reacts to his baptism

Hollywood star Russell Brand found new life in Christ after a widely celebrated and publicized baptism. Russell Brand continues his journey for truth. Christians everywhere should pray for Brand and for everyone to embrace the life and truth found in Jesus Christ and His Church: the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Despite the confusion coming from the Vatican, Pope Francis, and other globalists, Christ is still in charge of His Catholic Church and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google […]
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Antichrist full breakdown: the signs you NEED to know

Among the many signs of the Antichrist, he will persecute the Church with a false religion, leading many faithful Catholics astray in favor of his lies and false promises. What has been taught and prophesied about the Antichrist’s rise to power, the steps that may be taken to bring about his coming, and the esteem and status he is likely to be given by those deceived by his seductive powers are things every faithful follower of Christ should know. Catholic experts and mystics predict that the Antichrist will first show love and acceptance for all — hiding his true intention […]
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‘Diabolic’ worship service held in church with Jesus’ holy robe

Bishop Stephan Ackermann presided over an LGBT Ecumenical Prayer Service in a cathedral that contains the sacred robe worn by Christ himself during His passion. The desecration of holy sites and the conquest of the progressive LGBT agenda is only intensifying. Watch the full interview — free from Big Tech censorship — on the new LSNTV App now! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media: LifeSite:  John-Henry Westen:
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Catholic priest promotes video claiming ‘God made Biden’

Jesuit Fr. Thomas Reese recently promoted a video that claims President Joe Biden has been handpicked by God to serve in the United States’ top office. What is the real truth of this observation, and what does it mean about the deep-seated corruption among prominent Catholic clergy like Fr. Thomas Reese and others? Learn more about these stunning developments now by watching the full episode of Faith and Reason — uncensored and unfiltered — on the brand-new LSNTV App! Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP […]
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EXCLUSIVE: Colonel Macgregor shows how neocons have thrown the world into chaos – Part 2

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews reporter Maike Hickson, Colonel Douglas Macgregor delves into the complex history of U.S. military interventions worldwide and exposes their role in creating a “New World Order” through “perpetual revolution.” Macgregor explains how a whole system of lobbies within U.S. politics exists to ensure the neocon “forever war” policy continues to be advanced. Moreover, Macgregor insists that many leading politicians are under the secret control of the intelligence communities through a web of blackmail he describes as “Epstein Island on steroids.” Ultimately, Macgregor trusts Divine Providence to return America to sanity and Christian values and […]
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Catholic priest faces criminal charge over ‘bite’ defense of the Eucharist from angry lesbian

A Catholic priest in Florida is facing one count of battery for defending the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ from a lesbian who crushed several consecrated hosts while trying to minister herself Holy Communion, prompting him to bite her arm. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media: LifeSite:  John-Henry Westen: 
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Did you know there are different levels in Heaven? Here’s the secret to getting up higher

Remember when the mother of the apostles James and John asked Our Lord if her two sons could sit on His right and left in the Kingdom of Heaven? Jesus affirmed her understanding of different levels in Heaven, and the Church has detailed not only the levels but also how to achieve the higher levels. Download the all-new LSNTV App now, available on iPhone and Android! LSNTV Apple Store:  LSNTV Google Play:  **** SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!    +++ Connect with John-Henry Westen and all of LifeSiteNews on social media: LifeSite:  John-Henry Westen: […]